Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Actress Grace Wacuka claims threats after accusing director of sexual harassment

Actress Grace Wacuka is now claims to be receiving threats after she exposed a top director of sexually harassing her during a movie set.

The actress confirms to have received a cease and desist letter from the lawyer of Insignia Kenya Films and even accuses her lawyer being part of the mess by advising her to remain quiet about the issue.

““What happened was that I was on set with Gathoni Mutua doing a scene and I couldn’t do my scene properly because the way he was directing me (in the scene), it didn’t make sense to me. So he told me that if I couldn’t do the scene right, he wouldn’t give me any more work in the future.

The crew was there, so I started crying. We take a break and he comes to me and I think he wants to apologize. Unfortunately, it’s just me and him this time so he takes my hand and puts his a*s on it, and says ‘Hold me like you love me’. Because I’m in shock, I tell him that’s not right, that is not okay, but he dismisses it.

I don’t tell anyone on set (about the incident), but I do tell my family. A few days later we are on the set and I tell him I didn’t like what you did and he says, ‘But you wanted it.’ ” revealed Grace Wacuku how the incident happened back in November 2022.

Wacuku, the Single Kiasi actress continued by revealing that the same directors at Insignia approached her to collaborate on another upcoming movie dubbed Kash Money.

She however made it clear that she will do after the first incident is solved and the director apologizes but the issue did not go past there. She was however served with a cease and desist letter citing her public remarks.

“By your statements cited above, you implied and led your audience to believe that our Clients are sexual harassers, unapologetic perpetrators and aiders of sexual harassment, workplace bullies, and creators and enablers of a hostile work environment who intimidate and retaliate against their victims – which allegations are entirely false. The defamatory statements cited above also constitute online harassment and cyberbullying, and they occasioned immeasurable reputational damage, loss of business, and emotional distress to our Clients.” read the letter as revealed by the Nairobian

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