Saturday, July 27, 2024

Businessman Deepak Kamani acquitted 7B Anglo Leasing case

Businessman Deepak Kamani has been acquitted in the Ksh 7 billion Anglo Leasing contract case by the anti-corruption court.

Issuing the verdict was Chief Magistrate Martha Mutuku who noted that there was lack of evidence against the businessman and four others.

“Businessman Deepak Kamani and four others acquitted in another Ksh7bn Anglo Leasing-type security contract case by the anti-corruption court, with Chief Magistrate Martha Mutuku citing a lack of evidence in a decision that comes after the court’s July 2023 acquittal of former Treasury PS Joseph Magari, Dave Mwangi, and David Onyonka, as well as Deepak and Rashmi Kamani, in the Anglo Leasing case related to a communication contract.” said Cypran is Nyakundi

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