Pharmacy and Poisons Board recalls Flamodip 5mg tablets

The Pharmacy and Poisons Board has issued a recall of Flamodip (Amlodipine) 5mg tablets, Batch number FLD303 manufactured by Medico Remedies Pvt Ltd.

Through a statement, the board noted that the recall follows wrong labelling of the tablets which does not reflect the content.

“The secondary packaging is labelled as Flamodip-5 (Amlodipine), while the primary packing is labelled as Flaminopril-5 (Enalapril).” read the statement

It is due to the above that the Board calls on all pharmaceutical outlets, healthcare facilities, healthcare professionals and members of the public to stop further distribution, sale, issuance or use of the products batch and return it to the nearest healthcare facility or respective supplier.

“The Board encourages the public to promptly report any suspected cases of sub-standard medicines or adverse drug reactions to the nearest healthcare facility.” read the statement

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