Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Kilifi County’s Ksh 103M tender suspended by EACC

The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) has suspended a Ksh 103 million tender by Kilifi County.

The tender which had been order by Kilifi County Governor Gideon Mung’aro for the acquisition of the county’s revenue management system was found to have flaunted the tender process requirement.

According to EACC, an investigation into the tender process has kicked off to find each and every person involved in the process and press criminal/civil charges against them.

“pending conclusion of investigations, we advise that you suspend implementation of the contract and the payment of the sum of Kshs. 103, 797,361.70 purportedly being in respect of purchase of the system.

We further put you on notice that in the event of loss to the County Government we shall hold each and every person involved personally responsible and take appropriate criminal and/or civil action,” said EACC.

EACC also established that the successful bider Aden Construction Company Ltd lacked the necessary qualification to undertake revenue collection on behalf of the county.

“In support of its bid, it (Aden Construction Company Ltd) annexed documents belonging to a third party, a firm by the name M/s Techbiz Limited. However, it is critical to note that Techbiz is not a party to the agreement and the competency of the successful bidder must be based on its own merit and not those of a third party,” said EACC

Techbiz which also shares revenue with the County Government of Mombasa takes home 5% of the share unlike the current sharing formulae of 25%.

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