Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Kindiki revokes controversial gazette notice on citizen services

Interior CS Prof. Kithure Kindiki has revoked the controversial gazette notice on immigration and citizen services to pave way for public participation.

“It is notified for information of the general public that Kenya Gazette Notice No. 15239 of 2023, 15240 of 2023, 15241 of 2023 and 15242 of 2023 in the Special Issue of the Kenya Gazette Vol. CXXV-No.239 dated November 7, 2023 published by the Cabinet Secretary for Interior and National Administration relating to upward revision of charges, fees and levies for various services provided by the State Department for Immigration and Citizen Services has been revoked to allow more public participation on the matter.” read the notice

The CS has however revealed revised prices that will come into effect on 1st January 2024 but after public participation should be concluded on December 10th 2023.

“In lieu thereof, the Cabinet Secretary for Interior and National Administration has published new intended charges, fees and levies for the same services to take effect on January 1, 2024. The State Department for Immigration and Citizen Services has been directed to conduct and complete public participation as soon as possible, but in any case, not later than December 10, 2023.

The intended revised charges, fees and levies are informed by the need for Kenya’s self-reliance in financing the National Budget, to wean the Country from unsustainable debt that poses grave threats to our sovereignty and the dignity of future generations.

The new intended charges, fees and levies have been adjusted to accommodate views of the public already received following the publication of the revoked Gazette Notices.

On the particular issue of acquisition of National Identity Cards by previously not registered citizens, the Government shall defray the costs of the revised charges, fees and levies through a waiver for indigent Kenyans who demonstrate inability to pay.” said the CS

In the new revised rates, Kenyans who seek to replace an ID will pay Ksh 1,000 and not Ksh 2,000 as earlier communicated. Kenyans will also not pay anything when making a new ID application unlike the proposed Ksh 1,000 fee.

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