Saturday, July 27, 2024

CS Kindiki reviews operations at Nyayo House

Interior CS Kithure Kindiki has once again reviewed operations at the Immigration department at Nyayo House.

Speaking after his Thursday visit, the Interior CS confirmed that vital documents of Kenyans are being served with courtesy and their inquiries handled properly.

“Reviewed operations at the Immigration Department are bearing fruit. Citizens seeking passports and other vital citizenship documents are being served with courtesy, and their inquiries responded to by our members of staff.

We are determined to clear the backlog and process new applications expeditiously.” said Kindiki

The visit is the third one under his leadership immediately after appearing before parliament to explain the delays and complains raised by Kenyans over operations at the department.

He promised to offer leadership and even admitted that there are a number of people taking advantage of innocent Kenyans to stall activities in the name of corruption.

After his visit, Nyayo House has been able to fast track issuance of passports and other vital documents as they worked hard to clear the remaining backlog.

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