Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Parliament police officer arrested for extortion

Parliament police officer Corporal John Mwai Mbili has been arrested by EACC detectives for extorting a suspect Ksh 40,000.

The suspect who had recently been allowed by DPP to have the matter settled outside court faced an obstacle when he was trying to leave the station as Mwai demanded the said amount or else face another charge.

“Corporal John Mwai Mbili, a police officer attached to Parliament Police Station faces corruption charges for attempting to extort Kes.40,000 from a suspect with an outstanding matter at the Station.

The complainant had been arrested by the police but when the file was forwarded to the DPP to approve prosecution, the DPP directed that the complainant be released and the matter settled out of court.

However, Corporal Mbili told the complainant that he must pay him “something small” to “facilitate a smooth closure” of the matter. He demanded a bribe of Kes. 40,000 from the complainant threatening that if the complainant failed to pay, he would charge him in court with new offences.” said EACC

The complaint forwarded the issue to EACC who immediately arrested the officer before he was released on bail pending further investigation.

“The complainant reported the matter to EACC which conducted an inquiry and later arrested the police officer. He was escorted to Integrity Centre Police Station where he was processed and later booked at Kilimani Police Station.

The suspect has since been released on bail pending conclusion of the remaining aspects of the investigation.” said EACC

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